Sunday, May 13, 2012

VIP system

VIP status can be attained via purchasing gold. Most players choose to spend cash on the game because they want to build and train faster, and have access to VIP-only items in the Mall. Otherwise it is possible to complete game objectives with a VIP0 status. It is a personal choice and please assess your financial status objectively before taking the plunge.

  • Max Training Slots: ( amount of hero you can train in same time )
  • Training modes: ( training experience bonus in percentage )
  • Training time amounts: ( 8 hours, 24 hours, 72 hours )
  • Max Building Queue : ( builder amount )
  • Force Levy Cap: ( Force tax using gold )
  • Development modes: ( type of reset troops status LD, BV, and IN )
  • Orders can buy: ( buy orders using gold )
  • Refresh Daily Quests ( refresh option in daily quest, so can change the quest request with chance of getting higher quality daily quest )
  • Instantly Complete Daily Quests ( using gold to complete the request on particular daily quest )
  • Up Enhance Success rate with Gold ( using gold to increase the chance in to 100%, if current MP is 85%, then will need 15 gold to cope up til 100% for each enhancing )
  • Gold Speedup ( Speed up the cool down in instance with gold )
  • Elite Troops ( open the storm elite troops button, pay 6 gold every attack, can attack even the amount of elite troops has depleted )
  • Inspire with Fury ( an always succeed drum in battle, cost 10 gold each time )

Max Training Slots: 3
Training modes: 2
Training time amounts: 2
Max Building Queue : 3
Force Levy Cap: 1
Development modes: 1

VIP Points Req.: 80
Max Training Slots: 3
Training modes: 2
Training time amounts: 2
Max Building Queue : 3
Force Levy Cap: 3
Development modes: 2

VIP Points Req.: 500
Max Training Slots: 3
Training modes: 3
Training time amounts: 2
Max Building Queue : 4
Force Levy Cap: 5
Development modes: 2
Refresh Daily Quests

VIP Points Req.: 800
Max Training Slots: 4
Training modes: 4
Training time amounts: 3
Max Building Queue : 4
Force Levy Cap: 7
Development modes: 2
Refresh Daily Quests
Up Enhance Success rate with Gold

VIP Points Req.: 2000
Max Training Slots: 4
Training modes: 4
Training time amounts: 3
Max Building Queue : 5
Force Levy Cap: 9
Development modes: 3
Orders can buy: 5
Refresh Daily Quests
Instantly Complete Daily Quests
Up Enhance Success rate with Gold
Gold Speedup
Elite Troops

VIP Points Req.: 5000
Max Training Slots: 5
Training modes: 5
Training time amounts: 3
Max Building Queue : 6
Force Levy Cap: 30
Development modes: 3
Orders can buy: 5
Refresh Daily Quests
Instantly Complete Daily Quests
Up Enhance Success rate with Gold
Gold Speedup
Elite Troops
Inspire with Fury

VIP Points Req.: 10000
Max Training Slots: 5
Training modes: 5
Training time amounts: 3
Max Building Queue : 7
Force Levy Cap: 50
Development modes: 4
Orders can buy: 15
Refresh Daily Quests
Instantly Complete Daily Quests
Up Enhance Success rate with Gold
Gold Speedup
Elite Troops
Inspire with Fury

VIP Points Req.: 20000
Max Training Slots: 6
Training modes: 5
Training time amounts: 3
Max Building Queue : 8
Force Levy Cap: 50
Development modes: 4
Orders can buy: 15
Refresh Daily Quests
Instantly Complete Daily Quests
Up Enhance Success rate with Gold
Gold Speedup
Elite Troops
Inspire with Fury

VIP Points Req.: 40000
Max Training Slots: 6
Training modes: 6
Training time amounts: 3
Max Building Queue : 8
Force Levy Cap: 50
Development modes: 4
Orders can buy: No limit
Refresh Daily Quests
Instantly Complete Daily Quests
Up Enhance Success rate with Gold
Gold Speedup
Elite Troops
Inspire with Fury

VIP Points Req.: 70000
Max Training Slots: 7
Training modes: 6
Training time amounts: 3
Max Building Queue : 9
Force Levy Cap: No limit
Development modes: 5
Orders can buy: No limit
Refresh Daily Quests
Instantly Complete Daily Quests
Up Enhance Success rate with Gold
Gold Speedup
Elite Troops
Inspire with Fury

VIP Points Req.: 100000
Max Training Slots: 8
Training modes: 6
Training time amounts: 3
Max Building Queue : 9
Force Levy Cap: No limit
Development modes: 5
Orders can buy: No limit
Refresh Daily Quests
Instantly Complete Daily Quests
Up Enhance Success rate with Gold
Gold Speedup
Elite Troops
Inspire with Fury

Respawn FAQ

This post contains a list of frequently asked questions pertaining to Respawning a hero.

1. What is Respawn?
Respawning a hero will improve the quality of the troop led by him, resulting in better performance during battles. In the process, his existing Attributes (LD, BV and IN) and his Force cap will not be improved but will be retained.
His level will be visibly reset to level 1. However he has actually gained extra levels on top of the previous level, evident from the improvement to his troop level. For example, you respawned your hero for the 1st time at level 51 and he is only available for his 2nd respawn at level 58. This would mean that your hero has actually gained 7 levels from the 1st respawn. You will need to train your hero from level 1 to level 58 before you can respawn him for the 2nd time.
The result of a respawn process is random. Your hero could gain anything between 4 to 10 levels. For optimal results, please ensure that there is a gap of 10 levels between your hero's level and the level of your Base before you proceed.

2. When can I respawn my hero?
When a hero reaches level 51, he is available for the first respawn. However you can choose to respawn your hero for the 1st time at a higher level or never at all. You can continue to respawn your hero for a few more times as long as he reaches the level eligible for his next respawn.

3. Should I strip a hero equipment before respawning him?
You are strongly encouraged to equip your hero with the best equipment that he can wear before you click the Respawn button. Equipment that was on your hero during the respawn process will not be dropped or destroyed.
However because the respawn process will reset your hero to level 1 again, you can no longer equip him with items which are above level 1 until you train him up again. So, never unequip your hero high level required equipment when he has not reach the level required yet, or you will not able to wear it back again until he reach the level requirement.
4. How can I train up my hero faster?
You can hasten the rate of your hero's training by using Speedup tokens (available through Entrance to battle events on laptop or desktop browsers only), Honour points or even Gold (from gold mines or purchase with cash).

A little advice from me, For VIP0, don't try to respawn your heroes, or It might take forever to used high rank equip..

Levy dilemmas and responses

This is the lvl 120 patch response

Levying earns silver. In some instances you might be presented with a dilemma which could earn you varying rewards depending on the response you choose. The table below lists the various dilemmas and their corresponding responses and consequences.

Assassin in Black  A: Silver Lv*30  Prestige Lv*7  B: Loyalty+10

Bandit Encounter  A: Silver Lv*10  Prestige Lv*5  B: Loyalty+5

Break Up Lovers  A: Loyalty+8  B: Silver Lv*25

Build irrigation  A: Silver Lv*10  Prestige Lv*5  B: Prestige Lv*10  Loyalty+5

Build School  A: Prestige Lv*10  Loyalty+5  B: Loyalty+5  Levy Number+1  CD-30sec

Bully in Southern Village  A: Silver Lv*25  B: Loyalty+10

Confess under Torture  A: Silver Lv*25  B: Prestige Lv*5  Loyalty+5

Cyclops  A: Loyalty+8  B: Prestige Lv*5

Encounter Deserter  A: Prestige Lv*10  B: Silver Lv*15, Loyalty+5

Encounter Refugees  A: Prestige Lv*5  CD 600  B: Loyalty+7

Enemy Deserter  A: Loyalty+5  Prestige+Lv*4  B: Silver Lv*25

Enemy Mob  A: Silver+Lv*30  B: Loyalty+10

Enemy Victims  A: Loyalty+5  Levy Number+1  B: Silver Lv*25

Explore Mine  A: Silver Lv*30 CD-120sec  B: Silver Lv*10  Loyalty+7  Levy Number+1

Flash Flood  A: Loyalty+10  B: Silver Lv*20

Flying Locust  A: Silver Lv*10  CD 120sec  B: Loyalty+5

Forbid Hunting  A: Silver Lv*10  CD-300sec  B: Prestige Lv*10  Loyalty+7

Good Fortune  A: Loyalty+5  Levy Number+1  B: Silver Lv*35

Ground Shaking  A: Loyalty+10  B: Silver Lv*30

Inspect Barrack  A: Prestige Lv*5  Loyalty+5  CD-30sec  B: Prestige Lv*10  Loyalty+5

Inspect Countryside  A: Prestige Lv*5  Loyalty+5  Levy Number+1  CD-120sec  B: Prestige Lv*15

Inspect Village  A: Silver Lv*10  Loyalty+10  Levy Number+1  B: Prestige Lv*15  Loyalty+5

Landslide  A: Prestige Lv*5  B: Loyalty+10

Lighting and Volcano  A: Loyalty+8  B: Silver Lv*10

Maniac Curse  A: Prestige Lv*10  Loyalty+5  B: Prestige Lv*5  CD-120sec

Masked Knight-errant  A: Loyalty+10  B: Prestige Lv*4

Meet Ugly Girl  A: Loyalty+5  CD-120sec  B: Levy Number+1

Patrol City  A: Prestige Lv*20  B: Silver Lv*10  Loyalty+5

Pray for Rain  A: Silver Lv*15, Prestige Lv*2, Loyalty+5  B: Loyalty+7

Ranger Riot  A: Silver Lv*10  Prestige Lv*5  CD-60sec  B: Prestige Lv*5  Loyalty+10

Rich Visitor  A: Silver Lv*35  B: Loyalty+5  Levy Number+1  CD-300sec

River Burst  A: Loyalty+8  B: Silver Lv*35

Roaring  A: Prestige Lv*4  Loyalty+5  B: Prestige Lv*5

Rumormonger  A: Prestige Lv*4  B: Loyalty+10, silver Lv*10

Scholar  A: Loyalty+10  Levy Number+1  CD-30sec  B: Prestige Lv*20

Skilled Man  A: Silver Lv*20  Prestige Lv*5  CD-30sec  B: Silver Lv*10  Prestige Lv*15  Loyalty+5

Strong Wind  A: Loyalty+10  B: Prestige Lv*10, CD Lv*10

Unworthy Descendants  A: Loyalty+5  B: Loyalty+8

Vassals Tribute  A: Silver Lv*20, Prestige Lv*3  B: Silver Lv*35, Loyalty+5

Visit Celebrity  A: Silver Lv*5  Levy Number+1  CD-60sec  B: Prestige Lv*5  Loyalty+5

Visit Hero  A: Silver Lv*25  B: Prestige Lv*10

Visit Old Farmer  A: Silver Lv*10  Prestige Lv*5  B: Loyalty+5  CD-10sec

Wounded Soldier  A: Loyalty+7  B: Prestige Lv*4

Yellow Turban Remnants  A: Prestige Lv*20  Loyalty+5  B: Prestige Lv*10  Levy Number+1  CD-60sec

Campaign battle reward

1.        Turbans             Red Iron                    Level 12 Green Horse
2.        Changshe          Scale Armor               Level 22 Green Armor
3.        Guangzong        Sky Sword                 Level 23 Blue Weapon 
                                    Snow Steed               Level 32 Green Horse
4.        Hulao Pass        Brocade Tiger Cloak  Level 32 Green Cloak
5.        Luoyang            Tiger Token               Level 12 Green 
                                    Merit Wine                Level 52 Green
6.        Luo Chase         Dragon Spear            Level 44 Purple Weapon
7.        Chang'an           Stars Blade                Level 63 Blue Weapon
8.        Heishan             Vest Armor                Level 63 Blue Armor
9.        You State          Shine                         Level 63 Blue Horse
10.      Xu State            Slvr Wing Cape         Level 63 Blue Cloak
11.      Gongsun            Yong Token               Level 63 Blue Token
12.      Jiangxia              Maneuvering              Level 63 Blue Book
13.      Jiangdong           Kylin Killer                Level 74 Purple Weapon
14.      Shouchun           Light Robe                 Level 74 Purple Armor
15.      Carnage             Sun Shadow              Level 74 Purple Horse
16.      Wancheng          Gold Wing Cape       Level 94 Purple Cloak
17.      Boma                 Jing Token                Level 94 Purple Token
18.      Guandu              Three Kingdoms        Level 94 Purple Book
19.      The Yuans          King Armor               Level 85 Orange Armor
20.      Beijiang              Marten Coat              Level 85 Orange Cloak

    Wei Prestige Hero

    Prestige: 1000
    General: Cao Hong  (57/55/58)
    Unit type: Long Archers  (Mid-lv archer, ATK & Enhance)
    Skill: Dead Shot  (Causes Tactic damage to the rear enemy)

    Prestige: 5000
    General: Cao Xiu  (76/66/73)
    Unit type: Rangers  (Mid-lv calvary, Balanced attribute)
    Skill: Dragon Roar  (Causes heavy damage to the enemies in a cross around the target and reduces their morale)

    Prestige: 60000
    General: Zhong Yao  (70/24/76)
    Unit type: Honor Guard  (Support troops, effect for all your troops)
    Skill: General Order  (Greatly improves your own common and tactics defense)

    Prestige: 200000
    General: Zang Ba  (80/85/50)
    Unit type: Heavy Turrets  (High-lv machine, ATK & Enhance)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 250000
    General: Xun You  (83/35/97)
    Unit type: Counselor  (Low-lv strategist)
    Skill: Ice  (Causes slight damage to one enemy, high success rate)

    Prestige: 300000
    General: Han Hao  (65/85/65)
    Unit type: Light Bowmen  (Mid-lv Archer, Eva & Enhance)
    Skill: Chain Lock  (Causes Tactic damage to enemies in a row, and increase own physical defense)

    Prestige: 380000
    General: Jia Xu  (90/40/110)
    Unit type: Mysterious Tacticians  (High-lv strategist)
    Skill: Aerolite  (Causes great damage to a target and spreads the damage around, medium success rate)

    Prestige: 500000
    General: Liu Ye  (60/62/93)
    Unit type: Mil.Band  (Support troops)
    Skill: Boost  (Greatly improves your own common and tactics attack)

    Prestige: 600000
    General: Zheng Mi  (15/84/71)
    Unit type: Advanced Dancers  (Support troops)
    Skill: Inspirations  (Triggers Rouse for one of your Morale troops, medium success rate)

    Prestige: 800000
    General: Cheng Yu  (78/47/90)
    Unit type: War Drummers  (Support troops)
    Skill: War Drum  (Improves your own Morale and reduces the enemy's Morale)

    Prestige: 900000
    General: Man Chong  (84/51/80)
    Unit type: Large Ballista  (High-lv machine, attack enemy in a row, has a very high attack)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 1000000
    General: Jia Kui  (85/65/67)
    Unit type: Axeman  (Mid-lv infantry, Atk & enhance, excellent attack without using def)
    Skill: Landslide  (Causes heavy damage to the enemies in vertical line, chance to daze enemies for one round)

    Prestige: 1300000
    General: Yu Jin  (79/88/73)
    Unit type: Imperial Calvary  (High-lv calvary, ATK & enhance)n
    Skill: Collapse  (Causes huge damage to enemies in a vertical row, chance to daze the enemy for a round)

    Prestige: 1500000
    General: Cao Ren  (90/90/60)
    Unit type: Brave Calvary  (High-lv calvary, all round soldier)
    Skill: Lions  (Causes huge Tactics damage to all enemies)

    Prestige: 1700000
    General: Guo Jia  (87/45/108)
    Unit type: Battlefield Advisor  (High-lv strategist)
    Skill: Trap  (The hit enemy will suffer from every action)

    Prestige: 1900000
    General: Xu Chu  (80/85/75)
    Unit type: Shield Guards  (High-lv infantry, Def & enhance)
    Skill: Shura  (Huge damage tactic to one enemy, chance to daze)

    Prestige: 2100000
    General: Pang De  (82/95/63)
    Unit type: Large Turret  (High-lv machine, ATK & enhance)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 2400000
    General: Xun Yu  (75/65/105)
    Unit type: Diviner  (Mid-lv strategist)
    Skill: Incitement  (Recover your force each rounds, attacks the enemy with fire when energy full)

    Prestige: 2600000
    General: Yue Jin  (75/82/83)
    Unit type: Repeating  Bowmen (High-lv archer, good at EVA)
    Skill: Bastion  (Self-defense, greatly reduces common and Tactics damage received in one round)

    Prestige: 2800000
    General: Dian Wei  (70/98/72)
    Unit type: Blade Troops  (High-lv infantry, strong ATK)
    Skill: Shura  (Huge damage tactic to one enemy, chance to daze)

    Prestige: 3100000
    General: Chao Zhang  (80/95/65)
    Unit type: Invisible Vehicle  ( High-lv machine, Def n Enhance )
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 3400000
    General: Zhang He  (89/91/85)
    Unit type:Halbedier  ( Elite infantry, Counter n Enhance )
    Skill: Front Hit ( Cause great damage to enemy right front and increases their own common and tactical DEF largely. )

    Prestige: 3700000
    General: Cao Zhen  (78/77/60)
    Unit type: Cavalry Guard  ( Mid-lv cavalry –All round )
    Skill: Solidarity ( Slightly reduces common damage and tactical damage for one round. )

    Prestige: 4000000
    General: Li Dian  (73/72/70)
    Unit type: Shieldman ( Mid-lv infantry - DEF&enhance )
    Skill:Mighty ( Causes a great tactical damage to all enemies )

    Prestige: 4300000
    General: Hao Zhao  (85/78/77)
    Unit type: Blade Troops ( High-lv infantry - ATK&enhance )
    Skill: Super Falls ( High-powered arrows, causes extra damage. )

    Prestige: 4600000
    General: Xiauhou Dun  (95/93/77)
    Unit type: Qing Soldier ( Elite Infantry - ATK&enhance )
    Skill: Cyclops  ( Causes damage to a cross of enemies and decreases their morale. )

    Prestige: 4900000
    General: Xu Huang  (91/92/82)
    Unit type: Tiger Soldier ( Elite Infantry –All round )
    Skill: Breaking ( Causes a great damage to enemies in the right front; may make enemies dizzy for one round. )

    Prestige: 5200000
    General: Xiauhou Yuan  (97/96/72)
    Unit type:Tiger Ranger (Elite Calvary - EVA and Enhance)
    Skill:Valiance (cause great damage to enemies in tandem, and stun them 1 round.)

    Prestige: 5500000
    General: Sima Yi  (95/72/108)
    Unit type: Legendary Advisor  (Elite strategist)
    Skill: Sacrifice Hit  (reduce own force 10% and cause great damage to the enemies, high success.)

    Prestige: 5800000
    General: Deng Ai  (95/85/85)
    Unit type: Super Archer ( Elite archer - counter&enhance )
    Skill: Stow away (Causes a great damage to the furthest enemy, high CRT rate. )

    Prestige: 6100000
    General: Cao Cao  (100/80/95)
    Unit type: Tiger Soldiers  (Elite Infantry - All round )
    Skill: Suppresion  (improve Wei’s ATK, and as well as cause damage to the enemies)

    Shu Prestige Hero

    Prestige: 1000
    General: Liao Hua  (54/54/51)
    Unit type: Light Bowmen  (Mid-lv archer,Crit & Enhance)
    Skill: Dead Shot  (Causes Tactic damage to the rear enemy)

    Prestige: 5000
    General: Zhang Nan  (76/66/73)
    Unit type: Light Bowmen  (Mid-lv archer, Eva & Enhance)
    Skill: Dragon Roar  (Causes heavy damage to the enemies in a cross around the target and reduces their morale)

    Prestige: 60000
    General: Jian Yong  (30/70/70)
    Unit type: Honor Guard  (Support troops, effect for all your troops)
    Skill: General Order  (Greatly improves your own common and tactics defense)

    Prestige: 200000
    General: Zhou Cang  (70/85/60)
    Unit type: Super Yellow Turban  (High-lv infantry, All round soldier)
    Skill: Chain Lock  (Causes Tactic damage to enemies in a row, and increase own physical defense)

    Prestige: 250000
    General: Dong Yun  (89/35/91)
    Unit type: Counselor  (Low-lv strategist)
    Skill: Ice  (Causes slight damage to one enemy, high success rate)

    Prestige: 300000
    General: Guan Shuo  (63/81/71)
    Unit type: Battering Ram  (Low-lv machine, Counter and enhance, has high ATK)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 380000
    General: Jiang Wan  (70/70/100)
    Unit type: Battlefield Advisor  (High-lv strategist)
    Skill: Aerolite  (Causes great damage to a target and spreads the damage around, medium success rate)

    Prestige: 500000
    General: Fei Yi  (68/52/95)
    Unit type: Musicians  (Support troops)
    Skill: Inspirations  (Triggers Rouse for one of your Morale troops, medium success rate)

    Prestige: 600000
    General: Huang Yueying  (24/58/88)
    Unit type: Mil.Band  (Support troops)
    Skill: Boost  (Greatly improves your own common and tactics attack)

    Prestige: 800000
    General: Ma Su  (49/78/88)
    Unit type: War Drummers  (Support troops)
    Skill: War Drum  (Improves your own Morale and reduces the enemy's Morale)

    Prestige: 900000
    General: Guan Xing  (70/80/65)
    Unit type: Rangers  (Mid-lv cavalry, balanced attributes)
    Skill: Solidarity (Tactic damage, Self defense reduce common damage in one round)

    Prestige: 1000000
    General: Wang Ping  (77/68/70)
    Unit type: Cavalry Guards  (Mid-lv cavalry, all round)
    Skill: Landslide  (Causes heavy damage to the enemies in vertical line, chance to daze enemies for one round)

    Prestige: 1300000
    General: Guan Ping  (88/79/73)
    Unit type: Shield Guards  (High-lv infantry, Def & enhance)
    Skill: Shura  (Huge damage tactic to one enemy, chance to daze)

    Prestige: 1500000
    General: Shamoke  (83/92/65)
    Unit type: Blade Troops  (High-lv infantry, Atk & enhance)
    Skill: Lions  (Causes huge Tactics damage to all enemies)

    Prestige: 1700000
    General: Pang Tong  (75/57/108)
    Unit type: Mysterious Tactician  (High-lv strategist)
    Skill: Blaze  (Causes great damage to enemy and burn them with blaze)

    Prestige: 1900000
    General: Wei Yan  (95/93/52)
    Unit type: Repeating Bowman  (High-lv archer, Eva & enhance)
    Skill: Cross Blow (Causes huge Tactics damage to the enemies in a cross around the target, reduce moral)

    Prestige: 2100000
    General: Xiauhou Ba  (90/82/68)
    Unit type: Brave Calvary  (High-lv calvary, all round)
    Skill: Collapse (Cause huge tactic damage to enemies in vertical row, chance to daze for a round)

    Prestige: 2400000
    General: Fa Zheng  (75/60/105)
    Unit type: Medic  (Support Troops)
    Skill: Cure  (Recover all your forces each round)

    Prestige: 2600000
    General: Ma Dai  (82/75/83)
    Unit type: Large Ballista  (High-lv machine, attack enemy in a row, has a very high attack)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 2800000
    General: Huang Zhong  (75/94/71)
    Unit type: Powerful Bowman  (High-lv archer, Crt & Enhance)
    Skill: Sunset  (Causes great damage to the furthest enemy with high critical rate)

    Prestige: 3100000
    General: Zhang Bao  (82/88/70)
    Unit type: Imperial Calvary  (High-lv calvary, Atk & Enhance)
    Skill: Bastion  (Self defense, great reduce common and tactic damage for a round)

    Prestige: 3400000
    General: Guan Yu  (90/87/88)
    Unit type: Coalition Soldier (Elite archer, Atk & enhance)
    Skill: Slash (Causes huge Tactics damage to the enemies in a cross around the target, reduce moral)

    Prestige: 3700000
    General: Feng Xi  (72/77/66)
    Unit type: Long Archer (Mid Lv Archer, Atk & Enhance)
    Skill: Rain Arrows (Causes tactics damage to all enemies)

    Prestige: 4000000
    General:   Li Hui (68/77/70)
    Unit type: Large Mangonel (High lv machines, mass attack, CRT and enhance)
    Skill: ?

    Prestige: 4300000
    General: Wei Yan  (78/85/77)
    Unit type: Great Beastmaster (Special Troop, mass attack, excel at EVA and Counter)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 4600000
    General: Jiang Wei  (90/90/85)
    Unit type: Wooden Force  (Elite Machine)
    Skill: Amulet (immune to all buff and debuff)

    Prestige: 4900000
    General: Ma Chao  (92/98/75)
    Unit type: Xiliang Cataphract (Elite cavalry, DEF enhance)
    Skill: Intrusion (Causes great damage to the enemy in a line)

    Prestige: 5200000
    General: Zhao Yun  (90/98/70)
    Unit type: White Horsemen  (Elite cavalry - All round)
    Skill: Phoenix Spear (Increases counter rate for 1 round causing great countering tactics damage)

    Prestige: 5500000
    General: Zhuge Liang  (100/65/110)
    Unit type: Hermit (Elite strategist)
    Skill: Astrology  (Causes huge STA damage to all enemies ; raise common defense, tactic defense, common attack and tactic attack)

    Prestige: 5800000
    General: Zhang Fei  (93/99/73)
    Unit type: Tiger Troops (Elite infantry, DEF enhance)
    Skill: Blastwave (Damages enemies up front, improves common and tactics defense the next round)

    Prestige: 6100000
    General: Liu Bei  (95/90/90)
    Unit type: Tiger Troops  (Elite infantry - DEF and Enhance)
    Skill: Reviving  (Increase Shu generals' Strength greatly and causes damage to all enemies)

    Wu Prestige Hero

    Prestige: 1000
    General: Dong Xi  (56/51/67)
    Unit type: Light Bowmen  (Mid-lv archer, good at EVA)
    Skill: Dead Shot  (Causes Tactic damage to the rear enemy)

    Prestige: 5000
    General: Zhu Ran  (83/67/65)
    Unit type: Shieldman  (Mid-lv infantry, outstanding DEF)
    Skill: Dragon Roar  (Causes heavy damage to the enemies in a cross around the target and reduces their morale)

    Prestige: 60000
    General: Da Qiao  (22/86/62)
    Unit type: Honor Guard  (Support troops, effect for all your troops)
    Skill: General Order  (Greatly improves your own common and tactics defense)

    Prestige: 200000
    General: Sun Shangxiang  (80/74/61)
    Unit type: Female Guards  (High-lv infantry, skillful and good at EVA)
    Skill: Courage  (Causes heavy Tactic damage to one enemy, chance to daze)

    Prestige: 250000
    General: Zhang Hong  (92/30/93)
    Unit type: Counselor  (Low-lv strategist)
    Skill: Ice  (Causes slight damage to one enemy, high success rate)

    Prestige: 300000
    General: Cheng Wu  (59/80/76)
    Unit type: Ballista  (Mid-lv machine, high ATK, attack enemy on a line)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 380000
    General: Lu Su  (95/40/105)
    Unit type: Battlefield Advisor  (High-lv strategist)
    Skill: Aerolite  (Causes great damage to a target and spreads the damage around, medium success rate)

    Prestige: 500000
    General: Bu Zhi  (76/49/90)
    Unit type: Musicians  (Support troops)
    Skill: Inspirations  (Triggers Rouse for one of your Morale troops, medium success rate)

    Prestige: 600000
    General: Xiao Qiao  (22/85/63)
    Unit type: Mil.Band  (Support troops)
    Skill: Boost  (Greatly improves your own common and tactics attack)

    Prestige: 800000
    General: Cheng Bing  (90/37/88)
    Unit type: War Drummers  (Support troops)
    Skill: War Drum  (Improves your own Morale and reduces the enemy's Morale)

    Prestige: 900000
    General: Ling Cao  (70/72/73)
    Unit type: Rangers  (Mid-lv cavalry, balanced attributes)
    Skill: Mighty  (Causes great Tactics damage to all enemies)

    Prestige: 1000000
    General: Pan Zhang  (61/77/77)
    Unit type: Cavalry Guards  (Mid-lv cavalry)
    Skill: Landslide  (Causes heavy damage to the enemies in vertical line, chance to daze enemies for one round)

    Prestige: 1300000
    General: Cheng Pu  (81/86/73)
    Unit type: Heavy Turret  (High-lv machine, high ATK)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 1500000
    General: Zhou Tai  (76/94/70)
    Unit type: Shield Guards  (High-lv infantry, strong DEF)
    Skill: Lions  (Causes huge Tactics damage to all enemies)

    Prestige: 1700000
    General: Zhuge Jin  (85/45/110)
    Unit type: Mysterious Tactician  (High-lv strategist)
    Skill: Thunderball  (Causes medium damage to several enemies and dazes them for one round, low success rate)

    Prestige: 1900000
    General: Ling Tong  (80/85/75)
    Unit type: Brave Cavalry  (High-lv cavalry, balanced)
    Skill: Mars  (Causes huge Tactics damage to one enemy, chance to daze)

    Prestige: 2100000
    General: Jiang Qin  (76/90/74)
    Unit type: Large Ballista  (High-lv machine, very high ATK, attack enemy in a row)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 2400000
    General: Zhang Zhao  (79/53/108)
    Unit type: Diviner  (Mid-lv strategist)
    Skill: Flood Army  (Causes damage to all enemies with high success rate)

    Prestige: 2600000
    General: Han Dang  (75/82/83)
    Unit type: Repeating  Bowman (High-lv archer, good at EVA)
    Skill: Bastion  (Self-defense, greatly reduces common and Tactics damage received in one round)

    Prestige: 2800000
    General: Ding Feng  (93/80/67)
    Unit type: Blade Troops  (High-lv infantry, strong ATK)
    Skill: Cross Blow  (Causes huge damage to the enemies in cross around the target and reduces their morale)

    Prestige: 3100000
    General: Huang Gai  (83/80/77)
    Unit type: Imperial Cavalry  (High-lv cavalry)
    Skill: Collapse  (Causes huge damage to enemies in a vertical row, chance to daze the enemy for a round)

    Prestige: 3400000
    General: Lu Xun  (97/73/95)
    Unit type: Guards  (High-lv infantry)
    Skill: Sage  (Causes damage to all enemies, strategy damage bonus)

    Prestige: 3700000
    General: Zhu Huan  (71/71/73)
    Unit type: Axeman  (Mid-lv infantry, excellent attack without using def)
    Skill: Landslide  (Causes heavy damage to the enemies in vertical line, chance to daze enemies for one round)

    Prestige: 4000000
    General: Sun Yi  (70/75/70)
    Unit type: Long Archers  (Mid-lv archer)
    Skill: Solidarity  (Self defense, reduces common and tactics damage received in one round)

    Prestige: 4300000
    General: Xu Sheng  (85/82/73)
    Unit type: Heavy Turret  (High-lv machine, high ATK)
    Skill: -

    Prestige: 4600000
    General: Gan Ning  (88/98/79)
    Unit type: Brocade Bandits  (Elite infantry, high EVA)
    Skill: Watershed  (Damages enemies in a row, has Disorder as the added effect)

    Prestige: 4900000
    General: Taishi Chi  (90/98/77)
    Unit type: Yuanrong Bowmen  (Elite archer, high CRT)
    Skill: Accurate Shot  (Attacks the rear enemy with accurate shot)

    Prestige: 5200000
    General: Lyu Meng  (95/85/85)
    Unit type: Dragon Cavalry  (Elite cavalry)
    Skill: Overturn  (Damages enemies in a vertical row)

    Prestige: 5500000
    General: Zhou Yu  (83/84/108)
    Unit type: Hermit  (Elite strategist)
    Skill: Gamesmanship  (Causes huge damage to all enemies ; triggers rouse state for one of your troops with morale when the battle starts)

    Prestige: 5800000
    General: Sun Ce  (95/100/70)
    Unit type: Super Long Archers  (Elite archer)
    Skill: Conqueror  (Damages enemies in a cross around the target and reduces morale)

    Prestige: 6100000
    General: Sun Quan  (95/85/95)
    Unit type: Dragon Cavalry  (Elite cavalry)
    Skill: Lord Order  (Increases Wu General strength and causes damage to all enemies)